Monday, August 18, 2008

Horse Riding for Beginners

Horse riding has remained a popular activity for many, many people as it is a very popular pastime. There are a few common misconceptions, however, regarding horse riding. The most common misconception is as follows: for one to enjoy this sport and activity, the person must own their own horse and ride it either in the vicinity near where the horse is kept; or the person who owns the horse must transport it to an area where the horse can be safely ridden. Now, this is a completely accurate description of one of the ways in which horse back riding can be undertaken. However, it is not the only way! In fact, there is a great variety to the manner in which horse riding can be enjoyed.

Do You Need To Own Your Own Horse?

The answer to the above question is: no, you do not. There are a number of horse back riding trails that provide ‘rental’ horses and guides. Needless to say, this infers that on does not have to be an expert when it comes to being able to ride a horse. After all, everyone must start somewhere and numerous people become introduced to the sport through a weekend pursuit of giving horse riding a try. While many novices may be somewhat nervous about hopping on a horse, those horses that are rented to a beginner are usually docile and accommodating to beginners. Plus, there is also the added benefit of having a guide along to make sure that all goes smooth. Now, some may automatically assume that such a diversionary activity may be expensive to take part in, but in reality it is quite affordable and inexpensive.

Horse Riding Trips

In regard to where you can ride a horse, there are a number of “rental” horse riding facilities all over the world. Yes, all over the WORLD. So, if horse riding is a hobby you wish to partake in, there really is no limit to where you can ride a horse. Well, under water would be the only limitation so you’d have to stick to one of the five continents but that shouldn’t pose a problem as the sheer volume of horse riding venues covers pretty much every territory in the globe. So, whether you consider yourself a rank novice or a perhaps a seasoned weekend hobbyist, you can find a place to enjoy the very fun activity of horse back riding.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Selecting and Maintaining Horse Riding Equipment

It has been said that no sport can rise above the quality of its equipment. In other words, if the equipment employed in the participation of the sport is lacking, then the ability to properly play the sport will be hampered. In some cases, this hampering can lead to serious problems. For example, if a baseball catcher’s glove is not properly ‘stuffed’ then a potential hand injury is possible. If the pitcher throws the ball fast enough and the oversized catcher’s mitt is not adequate, then there is great potential for the catcher suffering a broken hand.

In horse back riding, careful attention to horse riding equipment must be taken as well. However, people sometimes do not properly think this all the way through. The reason is that they have a tendency to focus all their attention on the horse as opposed to focusing on both the horse and the horse riding equipment. Now, this can turn out to be a dangerously negligent attitude. After all, if a horse saddle is not adequate, there is the danger of the rider falling off the horse. While it is possible to fall off and dust oneself off and try again, such actions would be difficult if the fall resulted in a sprained ankle! As such, selecting proper horse riding equipment is imperative.

Proper Maintenance is in Order

First and foremost, it is important to select the absolute best horse riding equipment that you can afford within your own budget. This does not mean, however, to ‘skimp’ and purchase equipment that has a sub par reputation. If you are on a budget, you may be able to purchase used horse riding equipment that is in proper shape. If you do buy the horse riding equipment second (or third) hand please be sure to give it a complete inspection to make sure it is in proper working condition.

It must be noted that whether the horse riding equipment is used or not, the equipment must be properly maintained. If the equipment is neglected and wears down then the wear and tear could compromise the safety of the rider. When safety is compromised, any fun that can be derived from the sport will be compromised as well. As such, it is important to store equipment away from where it may be damaged or harmed by the elements. Also, if any imperfections or damage is noted repairs should be made immediately. Finally, one needs to know when to accept the fact that the equipment is too worn out and must be replaced. If you follow these brief guidelines, your ability to enjoy the sport will improve dramatically.

Selecting Horse Riding Boots

Some boots are made for walking and some are made for horse back riding. Now, while you can walk around on the street with horse riding boots, you simply are not going to be able to effectively ride a horse with sneakers on! If you are a serious hors back riding aficionados, then you are going to have to purchase a nice pair of horse riding boots. Of course, you will also need to purchase a pair of functional horse riding boots as well.

If you are looking for a nice looking pair of horse riding boots, however, you will not be short on the number of choices you have available. There are a great number of quality brands that have a stunning look. In addition to providing a quality look, these boots also provide the proper function of keeping your feet in the stirrups in a comfortable manner. Of course, some of these boots are expensive and may be out of your price range. Granted, there are also a great number of inexpensive horse riding boots that are equally good looking as well as functional. Sometimes it pays to shop around!

Quality Horse Riding Boots

There are a number of different boots that provide the valuable quality of look, affordability and functionality. There various brands that are quite popular include Konigs, Cavallo and Vogel. These brands have many variants to them and also a number of similarities in terms of the types of boots available. These include tall boots, zipped boots and season specific boots such as winter, summer etc. There are a number of reasons why an individual would choose these different types of boots and, in some cases, the reasons are self explanatory. Winter boots will provide better insulation in cold weather and also provide more traction if one has to walk around in terrain that is icy. Summer horse riding boots could prove problematic in such a season. Long horse riding boots also have a different mobility aspect to them and may be better suited for certain body types than others.

When it comes to selecting horse riding boots, there are a number of factors involved in making the proper selection. There is really no one choice that is better than the other and often the proper selection is based on the individual. Of course, that is no excuse for not shopping around because if one limited the amount of time spent looking for the proper horse riding boots, one may end up missing out on a real gem. So, be patient and the best boots may end up making their presence home.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Check Out Decker Before Deciding On Your Horse Saddle Packs

If you are looking for horse saddle packs you will most likely want to choose between two popular options which are Sawbuck and Decker. No doubt, most of us will have heard of Sawbuck horse saddle packs; however, there is another option worth checking out as well which are the Decker horse saddle packs that are a good choice as well.

Made To Meet The Requirement Of Forest Service

The Decker horse saddle pack was the creation of O.P. Robinett and it later came to be made around the year 1930 by the brothers Decker mainly because there was a pressing need for such items as required by personnel of Forest Service which needed something that could bear heavy loads over extended distances. Thus, the early Decker horse saddle packs came to be very popular with the Forest Service and also with packers and have since been the first choice as far as horse saddle packs are concerned even today.

While comparisons are certainly quite odious, nevertheless there are certain features in the Decker horse saddle packs that differentiate them from others like Sawbuck which is most noticeable in the steel hoops used in place of the cross bucks made from wood as is usual on Sawbuck saddle packs. Thus, you will find that with the Decker saddle packs it is a lot simpler to use steel hoops when attaching panniers since there is no need to lift them over the cross bucks as you would when using Sawbuck saddle packs.

Another notable feature of the Decker horse saddle packs is the half-breed which lies over the pack saddle and will greatly give protection to the horse that is carrying heavy loads. It is usual to find the half-breed being made from canvas and also leather in traditional style, though modern ones may make use of nylon as well as other materials.

When you buy Decker horse saddle packs you will also find that they have buckles for rigging to a tree and you can also move the cinch wherever required and it is quite different to the rigging system of Sawbuck saddle packs in which the pack saddle is screwed to a tree and is also not adjustable.

And, the Decker horse saddle packs also score good points when it comes to packing heavy and bulky loads that may also be quite awkward as it has a Not-A-Knot pack system that can do the loading simply in four easy steps and there is no knotting required.

So, before choosing your horse saddle packs, it would be a good idea to check out different options and the Decker is certainly one of the better options that are well worth giving a second thought to, which in any case are also very popular in some of the northwestern US states and are also gaining in popularity in the rest of the United States.

A Good Horse Saddle Stand Should Not Let The Saddle Tip Or Roll Off

There is really not much difference between saddling your horse using Western saddles and English saddles as both types can be used without any new kind of knowledge required. However, once they are placed on a horse saddle stand there may be times when the saddles roll or tip off the stand. Thus, you would be sure to welcome any means and suggestions that will help you overcome the problem, and though there are many solutions available, there is nevertheless some that are more suitable than others.

Simulate Shoulders Of Horse

In this regard there is a good solution in the form of a wooden horse saddle stand that can have sizes of two by four inch boards for free standing stands, or two by eight inch boards as used with the wall-mounted stands. These horse saddle stands should also have features that will simulate the shoulders of the horse as also something in the center to keep the gullet of the saddle steady.

So, by using built-up pieces of wood one can easily make a horse saddle stand that is neat and which also makes the barn look orderly, and which will keep the saddles from falling off the horse saddle stand. The best part about choosing a proper horse saddle stand is that it helps keep the saddles safe and is also a good piece of furniture that you can place anywhere you desire. Choosing different woods will depend on which type you are partial to and what your budget allows you, and there are many types of woods to choose including light Oak, and also Mahogany and Cherry stains.

The cost of a good horse saddle stand in Mahogany stain could set you back as much as one hundred seventy-five dollars and it will usually weigh about twenty-two pounds and is what every horse owner would be proud to own. And, if you happen to know anyone that is also a horse riding enthusiast and who owns a horse, then you can always think of gifting a horse saddle stand to them which will be much appreciated and also not all that costly.

There are also different kinds of horse saddle stands and you can choose from log stands, Pony Express stands that make for very handsome displays and which should also be sturdy so that they can easily bear the weight of even the heaviest of saddles, though the saddle stands made from log would be costlier though much more decorative than those made of Mahogany. The Pony Express stand has turned posts that show off class and with a horseshoe is great to use as a bridle hook and the top of the stand allows you to hold more than the saddle and also a roper of good size as well.

So, before choosing a particular horse saddle stand, look about for the most suitable stand as there is plenty to choose from and many interesting ones as well.

What To Expect In Your First Horseback Riding Class

So, you want to ride a horse. Good for you! Horseback riding is better than sex. Not only do you get an all over body workout that feels good, there’s no marriage or divorce involved. If you have a brain in your head, you will just park next to the closest pasture and swing up on the nearest grazing equine. This is a sure way to wind up not only in jail, but in The Darwin Awards website. You are best off going to a horseback riding class.

What You Need To Bring

For your first horseback riding class, some basic equipment may be provided. Find this out before the horseback riding class begins! As you progress, you will be expected to buy your own. You need a hard hat – even a bike helmet is better than nothing. Do not be swayed by every movie and book cover you’ve seen of nearly naked lovers galloping on a beach. You will fall off the horse. There’s no shame in that. So, you need your head protected.

You also need pants that let you bend, but will not get caught in any of the equipment. Jeans will do. You need footwear with at least a half inch heel. Boots, ducks and Wellingtons are perfect. My first pair of riding boots were snow boots that just happened to have a half inch heel.

Meet Your Mount

Your first horseback riding class may be as a solitary student to see how you are on a horse and make sure you are safe enough to unleash in a group class. We all started this way. And you get all the attention. You will be introduced to the proper way of approaching, mounting and sitting on a horse. You will discover muscles you never knew existed during your first horseback riding class. This is because these muscles are only used for riding – and in certain sexual positions, but we won’t go into that.

You will be walking and trotting in your first horseback riding class. Nothing faster until your muscles know where they need to be. When you are trying to find your balance on a moving animal, the horse will seem to be moving fast enough! You will learn a whole new language – how to communicate with your horse via your body and not your mouth. Holding the reins, keeping your heels down and your shoulders back while posting at the trot will be a significant challenge on your first day of horseback riding class.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Walking Horse Saddle Is Only Suited To Particular Types Of Horses

The Tennessee Walker is the horse ideally suited for the walking horse saddle which is certainly an exceptional saddle that is made from fiberglass covered wood tree having a cantle of four inches and broad seat with brass hardware and saddle strings trim that is quite a pleasure to own. This is important because such a saddle is ideally suited for the American and also for Canadian horsemen and women and especially for anyone interested in staying in the saddle for long hours and not wanting to have the horse do anything like jumping or running.

Shows The exaggerated Walk Of The Horse To Best Advantage

The walking horse saddle is mainly supposed to show to best advantage the exaggerated walk of the horse and it is not meant for jumping the horse; rather, it is used in flat riding. The horse most suited for the walking horse saddle is of course the Tennessee Walker also referred to as the Tennessee Walking Horse which is a gentle animal originally bred in the South of the United States and was meant to carry plantation owners to different parts of the land that they owned. Another horse quite suitable for using the walking horse saddle is the Garrett Walking Horse and when such horses move in a four-beat manner that can be thought of as a running walk, the rider is very comfortable in the saddle and this type of horse then becomes a very suitable companion even for trail rides.

When you are astride the Tennessee Walker and comfortable in your walking horse saddle, you will find your horse moving at about four miles per hour which is the speed of the four-beat gait though the Tennessee Walking Horse has what is known as the running walk which is more akin to an amble. Thus, you can expect to go faster than mere walking though it is not as fast as a canter which means that your walking horse saddle will provide you with a smooth ride that is much more comfortable than if you were to trot your horse or go any faster.

This means that you can sit in the walking horse saddle for longer periods without becoming uncomfortable or having a sore seat, and are thus such a saddle is ideally suited for trail riding and also for doing tasks in which the rider has long hours to spend in the saddle. Since not every horse can perform the ambling gait, you would be well advised to use your walking horse saddle on a breed such as the Tennessee Walker or on any other horses that have inherited this particular trait through birth or via minimal training.