Thursday, August 2, 2007

Know How Best To Avoid Having Saddle Sore On Horse

One of the best ways to enjoy the outdoors is through trail riding which provides you with ample opportunity to view the excellent scenic wonders and also allows you to spend quality time outside the confines of city life, and best of all, it provides the horse with some good exercise and different paced walks. Because, if one were to leave a horse on its own, most probably it would take to doing something like a trail ride, which is sure to give it a good deal of pleasure as well. So, besides the rider, even the horse will prefer going on a trail ride though there are certain necessities that must be taken care of so that the neither the rider gets saddle sore on horse nor the horse feels too sore after a day on the trail.

Sitting On The Saddle For Several Hours Is Sure To Cause Much Soreness

Also, for those who are relatively new to horse riding, going out on the trail all alone is not recommended as you will also be more prone to getting saddle sore on horse because of not having the proper feel of riding and also because of less amount of experience to ride comfortably on the horse. Trail riding involves sitting on the saddle for several hours which will definitely cause saddle sore on horse and so you need to understand what your limitations are and not exert either yourself or the horse more than is absolutely necessary. The idea is to enjoy your trail riding rather than causing your own and the horse’s life to become miserable because of too much wear since getting sore or hurt will certainly not be any fun.

Just like competitive riding, trail riding too makes a lot of demands of both horse and rider and there is need to spend many hours in the saddle while riding for miles on end, or while preparing for a competition. Thus, to prevent saddle sore on horse you need to know the correct posture for riding and also know which saddle will make you feel sore, and which are more comfortable, and to minimize saddle sore on horse, you will certainly need to be very careful in selecting only the proper saddle while learning to keep the correct posture as well.

Though you can pick a saddle that fits in with your technique of riding, there are still so many different riding postures to choose from that no one single posture would suit every rider, and a basic thing to look for in a saddle is that it is wide enough for you to sit comfortably upon and which will also support your body weight well at the same time.

Next, you should be adept at riding otherwise the chances of your getting saddle sore on horse will greatly increase and you should know how to move on as well as off the saddle well so that there is not constant pressure or discomfort felt when riding. And, of course you should be able to handle your horse well if you don’t want even more saddle sore on horse.

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